Jesus can fill you with the fruit of righteousness no matter what your situation, if you follow Him. Paul was in chains in prison, but he did not let that stop his service to God. One thing is always certain in this life, it will get messy, you will have trouble and there will be suffering. Through Jesus you can be the person that shines His light whatever happens to you! It is your choice to not fall way from God during hard times but to lean into God, not away from God. Your spiritual welfare depends on your spiritual warfare! Read the first chapter of the letter to the Philippians and remember that you are reading someone else's mail!
Paul is very confident that God can begin a good work in everyone, whatever happens to them. If we want our love to abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight we have to look at things as God looks at them. If we are believers we should have the same attitude as Paul about living and dying. We are to advance the gospel no matter what!
How we handle the inevitable struggles that come our way in life depends on our faith in Jesus and our relationship with Him. Pastor Chris Rygh says, ‘don’t waste a crisis’. This is the type of attitude that fully trusts in whatever happens to us can bring glory to God! Put on the full armor of God: work, prayer, sacrifice and preparation. Through His strength we can be the person that never falls away, always leans into God, with the attitude of ‘make it as bad as it needs to be’ so we can suffer for the sake of Jesus and consider suffering a gift when it comes from God!