Friday, January 6, 2012

Only One Cross

Have you ever noticed that, in Luke 23:33, there are two thieves, one on the left and one on the right of Jesus?  One thing rather interesting about this part of the crucifixion story is that here are two men who have taken up their own personal crosses and are executed at the same time as Jesus.  Is anyone foolish enough to believe that their personal crosses had any value in regard to their salvation?  Verse 43 points out that one of the thieves made a good end while the other apparently went to Hell.  Obviously their own personal crosses had no meaning and no validity as an instrument of salvation yet, Jesus, in Luke 9:24 promises that taking up a cross and losing your life for His sake results in salvation.  How do we resolve this apparent difficulty in the scripture?

It has become common place for many people to describe their personal difficulty as "bearing their cross."  Trials and tribulation abound for humans.  Christians are not exempt but are promised strength and a status of overcomer (Romans 8:37-39).  However, trials and tribulation in any form do not qualify as ones personal crosses to bear.  If this were so then all humans would receive salvation since at one time all humans experience trials and tribulation.  The Bible does not teach Universalism anymore than it teaches random selection (Calvinism).

There is no real difficulty in resolving the issue of taking up the cross.  First of all it is a daily thing and as such coincides with the daily bread of The Lord’s Prayer.  Since The Lord’s Prayer is connected to “forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us,” then there is no doubt that bread and forgiveness refer to Jesus’ work on the cross.  This being true, there is no other cross to look for.  If I can manufacture my own personal cross, I have no strength within myself to provide daily bread or forgiveness.

Daily bread is available at the cross.
Forgiveness is available at the cross.
Salvation is available at the cross.

Only one cross is available for you and me and for all of us to take up, to follow after our Savior. That is the cross of Jesus Christ.  Come to the Cross!