Ecclesiastes 12:14 For God will bring every work into judgment, with every hidden thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. (ASV)
Every believer should be able to picture the hidden things mentioned by Solomon in this verse. After all, Jesus discusses the keeping place for the hidden things of man in Matthew 6:19-20. The repository for our treasures has one of two addresses. Either we are keeping our junk in our own backyards or we are storing treasures in heaven where their value cannot decrease. Obviously, our own junk, stored on earth, will ultimately be burned up with all of old creation (2 Peter 3:10). Our own lives, if they are entrusted to Jesus Christ and His saving power, are being stored away in the special heavenly place that Jesus is preparing (John 14:2-3).
The problem presented to the calvinist in this picture is to explain why there is any need for judgment at all. According to Calvin’s defective imagination, God had to be perfectly efficient and could not create mankind without deciding in advance which of these creatures (who were intrinsically evil) He would choose to store away in heaven while allowing their personas to wander the earth for a short time. Having made His arbitrary choice, He made Adam first to appear innocent and Eve to be not so innocent (you calvinists are intrinsically misogynistic…) and the rest is history. Since the whole story is pre-programmed and, like evolution, cannot be anything other than what it will be (silly as a song by Doris Day), then there is no point in judgment since no one will do anything other than what he or she was going to do all along. The calvinist joins with the foolishness that continues to be taught in pagan temples and halls of science throughout the world, trying desperately to explain to a lost world why their junk is really heavenly treasure.
The calvinist, in his ultimate foolishness, clings to old creation and tries to force himself to believe that he has found the back gate to the Garden of Eden. Ignoring the biblical picture, they follow the teachings of a man who imagined vain things and then used propaganda to keep them from exploring the truth…no need for you children to “pry into the eternal counsel of God,” since Papa Calvin will take care of you at the judgment…good luck with that. Where the Bible clearly teaches that old creation will be burned up (2 Peter 3:12), calvinist theology teaches that this old earth will be restored and they will return to the Garden. The bad theology of the calvinist teaches that God is an anesthesiologist who inoculates them with peace and wakes them up from the bad dream that they had been down in the world, doing evil things. None of their evil counts so, again, what in the hell do they mean when they talk about judgment? Certainly not what the Bible means when it talks about hell and judgment…or heaven and judgment.
In the midst of this confusion, or the confusion of any pagan or neo-pagan system, stands the cross of Calvary. The Cross establishes the standard that will be used to accomplish the judgment of the works of mankind. The work that Jesus does on the cross establishes a revulsion for sin while maintaining an all embracing love for sinners. How else can God accomplish the plan that He has worked out down through the ages to do away with sin by becoming sin for us? (2 Corinthians 5:21) The cross is the place where Jesus Christ extends an invitation to any and everyone to trade their sin for a new creation life.
Come to the Cross.