Saturday, July 27, 2013

New creation material.

They profess that they know God;
but in works they deny him,
being abominable,
and disobedient,
and unto every good work
Titus 1:16 KJV
I beseech thee for my son Onesimus, whom I have begotten in my bonds.
Which in time past was to thee unprofitable, but now profitable to thee and to me:
Philemon 1:10-11  KJV

Reprobate.  There's that word again.  What does it really mean?
The calvinist, in his foolish imagination and childish picture thinking, would have us believe that God created most humans to be reprobate: worthless, useless, intrinsically evil. The biblical picture of creation always refers to the things that God creates as good (Genesis 1:4, 10, 12, etc.). 

Maybe this will help...
Paul exhorts Timothy (2 Timothy 2:15) to study the scriptures in order to show God that he is not a reprobate; that he is, in fact, approved to be God's servant.  The last thing that God needs are nitwits who cannot read (or, maybe worse, cannot understand what they read) saying ridiculous things about Him to people that trust in them.  The approval process was put in place so that ignorant people who are captivated by nonsense (like calvinism...) would be disapproved and disqualified as servants to the church.

To be disqualified in one area does not mean that a person is completely useless to God.  Paul writes to Philemon to explain to him how he has worked with Onesimus and brought him to the place where he accepted Jesus as savior and lord.  Onesimus, once the useless servant of Philemon, has been made new by Jesus and is now available to bring goodness into the life of his master.  They can bring goodness into the lives of one another. 

Jesus is God.  He is not portrayed in the gospels as pulling his clean white robes away from wretched, dirty sinners in order to remain clean.  His cleanness (righteousness) is who He is, and cannot be sullied by human sinners.  He is God and, as God, can take sin upon/into Himself in order to use that and other human raw material as the stuff from which He performs new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17-21).  Do not be confused by reprobates who refuse to understand the clear meaning of God's word and make up foolish systems of thought to try to exclude sinners from contact with Holy God. 

Come to Jesus.
Come to the Cross.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Wanted: be made alive.

Therefore I endure all things for the elect's sakes,
that they may also obtain the salvation
which is in Christ Jesus
with eternal glory.
It is a faithful saying:
For if we be dead with him,
we shall also live with him:  2 Timothy 2:10-11 KJV

Where is the salvation that the Apostle Paul is describing?  How can it be located?  Does a person have to get into some sort of psychic trance and return to his or her pre-birth on this earth condition and have a vision of their eternal election before the foundation of the world?  Has any sinful human ever brought back salvation credentials from the Library of the Living in pre-existing eternity?  The books are not available for examination until the END of everything (Revelation 20:12).  Any claim of knowing what was in them in advance cannot be proven biblically.

The elect are the servants* of God who choose to love and serve Him.  Any and all humans are qualified to join Jesus in His death in order to gain the status of elect/servant that Jesus longs to bestow upon everyone.  "...that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus" clearly points out that it was not imbedded in any other human individual before the foundation of the world. Not even in Adam.  Salvation is IN Jesus and that salvation belongs to all who are found in Him when the books are opened.  The calvinist formula tries to leap-frog over the requirement of death into their fantasy of a pre-determined life everlasting.

The end result of keeping the Law of God as a human is death.  A perfect keeping of the law by the perfect human, Jesus, resulted in His death on the cross.  When any of us is exposed to the law's requirements, we join satan in his ministry of lies and sin until we discover that we can turn to Jesus and cling to His saving death on the cross.  We are encouraged by the Holy Spirit to exchange death for death.  We are asked to turn our backs on reinventing reality and speaking the language of the original liar in order to obtain a death that makes us servants of God: true servants of one another who forsake the ministry of condemnation for the ministry of reconciliation.

There is good death for us at the cross of Jesus.  Jesus has told us to tell others about this simple exchange; trust Him and let Him apply good death to our dead lives.

Come to Jesus.
Come to the Cross.

*Elect = Servant!  Isaiah 41:8-9...Isaiah 42:1...Isaiah 43:10...Isaiah 44:1...Isaiah 45:4

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Surrender All.

For this is good and acceptable
in the sight of God our Saviour;
Who will have all men to be saved,
and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
For there is one God,
and one mediator between God and men,
the man Christ Jesus;
Who gave himself a ransom for all,
to be testified in due time.  1 Timothy 2:3-6 KJV

It does not say "Some."
All -- and the "all" is referring to men (v.4 & v.5).

So here is the calvinist reinvention: 1) "All" means something else in their alternate reality universe where they are (collectively, I guess...) God and define everything in their own, unbiblical terms, or, 2) Not all of the creatures derived by procreation from Adam and Eve, the original parents, are human...not considered a part of mankind.  This apostolic statement by Paul that clearly describes the ransom of Jesus' death as applying to ALL of mankind (v.6) gets flipped around to mean the minute number of pre-selected calvinists because they say so.  The implication is clear.  All of us that they consider to be pre-configured reprobates (the Bible does not agree with them anywhere) are not and never have been human.  Sub-human.  3) ...all of the above.

The desire of God's heart is that all of mankind will be saved.  People who say that they do not know how to find God's will for their life have not considered these verses.  God wants all of those who are blood-bought believers to introduce the rest of mankind to the Savior, Jesus Christ.  None of us is going to do it perfectly nor will we avail ourselves of every opportunity sent to us by the Holy Spirit.  However, to duck behind the wall when our Father is looking for someone to speak up or show up is unacceptable.  To have an accounting system that demands more than Jesus demands is Pharisaical/blasphemous.

"Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners" (1 Timothy 1:15).  Isn't that a 100% proposition?  Every human is a sinner.  Every human is ransomed by the blood of Jesus.  The ransom is a gift.  A gift must be accepted.  Sinners have the human capacity to accept the gift as a good thing.

All sinners.

Come to Jesus.
Come to the Cross.