Romans 8:28. "And we know that all things work together for good to those that love God, to those who are called according to HIS purpose." I don't know how many times in a year I refer to this verse in one form or another. My favorite is to remind someone else or myself that it is not in just SOME things where God is all things. Of course, this promise is only true in the life of a person who has a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
Notice that the verse points to the work of God...something He is doing right now. Notice also that He is working on that which will be good. This is the language of Genesis 1. God created and it was good. The old creation He completed and rested from that work. The raw material of New creation is not the best stuff from the old creation that has been tweeked to get rid of some tarnish. The raw matrial of new creation includes the sin of mankind that He alone could bear and transform through His blood to make it usable dirt. This is not great-great-great grandpa Adam's red clay. This is blood bought deliverance by the power of love over evil and death. Only Jesus could make this happen and he did it on the cross at the exactly correct time (Romans 5:6 For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly).
You Calvinists need to quit trying to leap the Garden wall and come to the cross. God didn't save you before time began. He will save you at the cross.
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