Revelation 1:3
I find it to be very sad that those who buy into the rapture notions of people like Tim Lahaye, miss the blessings of chapters 4-20 of the book of Revelation. Escaping before the tribulation means that these 17 chapters have no meaning to pre-trib folks since they think the church will be missing in action. Stop believing LaHaye’s fiction. You will go through GREAT tribulation if alive when it arrives. Get ready. (HINT: start studying up on what Jesus says about deception.)
Revelation 1:4
The one “who is and was and is coming” is directly contrasted with the one “who was and is not and is coming again” (KJV=shall ascend. . .) in Rev. 17:8. Notice that the only people safe from the beast’s attraction are those who are devoted to “the one” in 1:4 – that would be Jesus.
Revelation 1:5
“The firstborn from the dead” (KJV=first begotten see also Col.1:13) is Jesus. Clear. Simple. No difficulty understanding that. Who are these people that claim to have been chosen for special handling… hand picked and granted some sort of pre-existing (do you really know what “before the foundation of the world” means?) life that trumps death! WE are the dead. If you want to be born again, join us at the cross.
Revelation 1:5
Not to sound like a broken record here but, who are these people that claim to be chosen and granted exemption from the blame and guilt of personal sin? Sin must be “washed. . . in His own Blood?” There's no pre-rinse cycle! Oh! You thought the book of Revelation was written so people can learn all about intriguing mysteries of the future? It is the Revelation of Jesus – it is all about Him. It comments on everything that concerns Him. Forget your ridiculous mechanistic theories. He cares for you! Come to the cross.
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