Ink blots.
Professionals in the field of psychology try to establish unconscious mental patterns based on pre-determined inkblots. It's a bit like children staring at images in the clouds on a lazy summer afternoon... except that the predetermined part is left out for the children.
Moses offers a deal to the Living God (Exodus 32:30-35) who is of a mind to withhold mercy from His chosen people, the idolatrous children of Israel.
Moses: Blot me out of your book and not them, O Lord!
LORD: Blotting is reserved for those who sin against Me. (Implied --- "You are not qualified to atone for sin, Moses." (Nor is the law, by the way.))
Apparently, God had not consulted with Calvin as to how He was supposed to order the universe. In a present tense (in Time...not in Eternity) conversation with Moses, God had failed to perform according to the calvinistic predestination system of reprobating (blotting) in eternity past. It appears that God does His blotting in Time - at some time after the resurrection (John 3:17...Jesus is under orders to NOT bring condemnation!). Calvin's system is some ridiculous notion that he dreamed up while staring for too long at his ink blotter.
You Calvinists have sold your understanding to a liar and a fool (Psalm 14) whose reprobation imagination is like a mean pre-teen who calls someone to tell him he is not invited to your party. Reprobation (as well as salvation) is based on a person's relationship with Jesus and the cross that He established as the key to human history---established in Time, that is. You have no record of what is in His book other than names. He has not consulted with Calvin or any of you to tell Him when to write in names or when to blot them out (and they weren't blotted out before the foundation of the world!). Quit wasting your time telling yourselves about a salvation (or reprobation...) you think was handed out before the cross. Salvation is available at the cross.
Come to the cross.
Ink blots.
Professionals in the field of psychology try to establish unconscious mental patterns based on pre-determined inkblots. It's a bit like children staring at images in the clouds on a lazy summer afternoon... except that the predetermined part is left out for the children.
Moses offers a deal to the Living God (Exodus 32:30-35) who is of a mind to withhold mercy from His chosen people, the idolatrous children of Israel.
Moses: Blot me out of your book and not them, O Lord!
LORD: Blotting is reserved for those who sin against Me. (Implied --- "You are not qualified to atone for sin, Moses." (Nor is the law, by the way.))
Apparently, God had not consulted with Calvin as to how He was supposed to order the universe. In a present tense (in Time...not in Eternity) conversation with Moses, God had failed to perform according to the calvinistic predestination system of reprobating (blotting) in eternity past. It appears that God does His blotting in Time - at some time after the resurrection (John 3:17...Jesus is under orders to NOT bring condemnation!). Calvin's system is some ridiculous notion that he dreamed up while staring for too long at his ink blotter.
You Calvinists have sold your understanding to a liar and a fool (Psalm 14) whose reprobation imagination is like a mean pre-teen who calls someone to tell him he is not invited to your party. Reprobation (as well as salvation) is based on a person's relationship with Jesus and the cross that He established as the key to human history---established in Time, that is. You have no record of what is in His book other than names. He has not consulted with Calvin or any of you to tell Him when to write in names or when to blot them out (and they weren't blotted out before the foundation of the world!). Quit wasting your time telling yourselves about a salvation (or reprobation...) you think was handed out before the cross. Salvation is available at the cross.
Come to the cross.
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