Friday, March 11, 2011

Can't go wrong wearing white.

Revelation 3:5   He that overcomes, the same shall be clothed in white clothing; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.
Jesus is speaking to one of the seven churches and some of the people in that church (Sardis) qualify to be clothed in white.  However, it seems to me that it is incumbent upon those who are deceived by a false doctrine of Perseverance of THE Saints (i.e., preselected humans injected with “saving faith” in exclusion of the cross of Jesus Christ) to explain how it is possible for anyone with his name written in the book of Life to have it blotted out.  The parallel to this threat is the threat of having the candlestick (KJV) removed from the Ephesus church (Revelation 2:5).  Is Jesus speaking hyperbolically here? Is the Lord making an exaggeration that He has no intention (or, in the Calvinist economy, capacity) to execute.  Does Jesus ever exaggerate in the Gospels?  Of course not…and there is no reason to believe He would do so here.  The only conclusion possible is that there are those who can be blotted out of life’s book…whatever horrifying truth is being pictured by the word “blot” (Deuteronomy 29:18-20,  Exodus 32:32-33).  Conversely, the offer stands for those who would choose to walk in white, that they hold on to their ability to side with Jesus against the devil and all he claims…even though it means death (Matthew 16:24).

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