Saturday, February 16, 2013

Miséricorde pour Les Mis...

He hath shewed thee,
O man,
what is good;
and what doth the LORD require of thee,
but to do justly,
and to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with thy God?  KJV
(On t'a fait connaître,
ô homme,
ce qui est bien;
Et ce que l'Éternel demande de toi,
C'est que tu pratiques la justice,
Que tu aimes la miséricorde,
Et que tu marches humblement avec ton Dieu.)  Louis Segond
Micah 6:8

Although the Victor Hugo story of Les Misérables is beautiful and stirring, it is possible to discern those for whom our hearts should be stirred and even squeezed all around us.

All week, as I have pondered and sung the verse above, the french word for "mercy" has rehearsed itself in my mind.  "Miséricorde."  Heart Pain.  ( ) To be squeezed in the heart because of some person or thing that needs help...especially les misérables...the smitten.  God joined Himself (hey calvinist! Jesus is God) to the smitten and became one with them (Isaiah 53:4); making it possible for Paul to explain to us that Jesus became sin for us (2 Corinthians 5:21). 

Who, among the human beings in the created order, is smitten?
Who, within this realm where God has ordained work in time, is exempt from His mercy?
No one!
Who, in God's pre-planned work within time and space, is the source of Mercy?

A man with a bicycle was pushing it along beside the road near the Big Chicken in Marietta, GA.  On the back of the bike was a sign that said HUNGRY FOR SCRAP METAL TO SELL AND NOT FOR BOOZE.  The words struck me in the heart so I took him at his word and stopped nearby.  I unloaded a number of scrap metal items that I had been saving and gave them to him.  I shook his hand and asked him if he knew Jesus. He enthusiastically said "Yes, I do!"  His breath did not smell of booze.
I was not compelled to act because I am some well adjusted "adult of God." I am His child and He has access to my heart through the miséricorde of Jesus Christ; the indwelling Holy Spirit (Micah 7:18...the one who delights in mercy).  In Him we are all children -- you want to be adult then you are too full of yourself to know your own misery!

Where is the place of forgiveness and mercy: complete and available to all of les misérables?
Come to Jesus.
Come to the Cross.

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